
Effortlessly streamline your recruitment process with our System Recruitment module, ensuring you quickly and easily find the perfect candidates for your team.

Job positions

 Create and manage job positions in the system, keeping track of all applications received and their progress through the selection stages. 

Visualize the pipeline

Efficiently manage applicants. Simply click on a job position to view all applicants, neatly organized by phase. Seamlessly rearrange applicants by dragging and dropping their cards, or automate their movement in the pipeline based on specific activities. 

Job announcement

Easily publish recruitment announcements on your website and efficiently manage incoming applications using the dedicated recruitment module.

Advanced Features

A is for Activities

Create activities and assign deadlines for each step.

Thin the pool

Send custom tests to quickly screen candidates.

Stay on target

  Schedule calls and interviews with Google calendar and Outlook integration. Applicants can even schedule interviews on their own!

Get Feedback

Send surveys after the hiring process to get valuable insights.

Quick communication

Contact candidates directly from the chatter and send job offers with a click..

You’re hired!

Turn a candidate into an employee, and launch their onboarding process right from the Recruitment app.